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Expert Network

The BLT group of experts in Mexico is made up of a multidisciplinary group of professionals with wide experience in each of their areas, who, being integrated into a single firm, result in a job done efficiently , time savings, achievement of objectives and comprehensive improvements in the companies served. 

Equipo de expertos en sala de juntas BLT de México
Reunión de inauguración corporativa de BLT de México
Equipo de contabilidad en su área de trabajo
Ícono de Contabilidad

restructuring financiera, auditia in social security and INFONAVIT, fiscal and financial structuring plans and strategies, among others._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d

Ícono de Desarrollo de Negocios
Business development

Strategic marketing plans, creation of corporate image, digital marketing services, brand registration and consulting in commercial projects and promotion. 

Fiscal and Financial
Ícono de Auditoría Fiscal y Financiera

Audit fiscal, fraud detection, expert reports, among other specialized services.

Labor Law
Ícono de Derecho Laboral

Drafting of labor contracts, attention and follow-up of labor demands. diagnosis and labor management in companies, among other related services.

Ícono de Capacitación y un grupo tomando una capacitación presencial
Ícono de Finanzas

Government support management, financial outreach.
catalog of financing sources, among others.

Ícono de Investigación y Estudios de Mercado
and Market Studies.

Market studies and research, commercial feasibility studies, exploratory studies, sectoral studies  and creation of research methodologies.


Control and monitoring of door-to-door imports and exports, preventive audits in foreign trade to previous fiscal years, supervision of the foreign trade department, among other complementary services.

Ícono de Derecho Corporativo
Corporate Law

Legal representation, drafting of commercial, civil and administrative contracts, drafting of minutes of ordinary and extraordinary assemblies, drafting of titles of credit such as bills of exchange, promissory notes and shares.

Specialized training, speakers of national and international stature.

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